Oral Care
Oral Care for Healthy Teeth and Healthy Gums


Everyone requires dental cleaning once in 3 months to remove food debris, soft deposits and tartar materials so that they can avoid Gum Bleeding ,Swelling and Mild Pain, Gum Recession, and Bad Breath.

Tooth polishing is done to enhance the appearance of the tooth structure ,by making smoothness, glossiness and luster, we know very well rough surface accumulate more stains when compared with smooth glossy surface, particularly for smokers.

Although the literature on oil pulling has increased substantially in western countries in recent years, there is still much confusion among dental professionals about the proper response to a patient who has adopted this alternative therapy it.

oil pulling is not substitute but as supplement

For the record, a regular oil-pulling routine should not replace routine dental visits and traditional at-home oral care. Oil pulling does not reverse the effects of tooth decay, and it’s important that patients are made fully aware of that. That being said, I do believe that it is a great supplemental therapy. The phrase “oil pulling” comes from the process of the oil being “worked” in the mouth by pulling, pushing, and sucking it through the teeth. This type of oral therapy isn’t new at all; it has its origins in Ayurvedic medicine dating back 3,000 years.

The procedure involves rinsing (swishing) approximately one tablespoon of oil around in your mouth. As the oil hits your teeth and gums, microbes are picked up as though they are being drawn to a powerful magnet. Bacteria hiding under crevices in the gums and in pores and tubules within the teeth are sucked out of their hiding places and held firmly in the solution.

The longer you push and pull the oil through your mouth, the more microbes are pulled free. The oil needs to be swished around long enough for it to turn a milky white, which indicates that the bacteria has been "pulled" off. After roughly 20 minutes the solution is filled with bacteria, viruses and other organisms; at this point, the person spits out the oil and rinses thoroughly with water.

People that “oil pull” state that it has helps to whiten their teeth, alleviate halitosis, and even reduce gingivitis. In many cases, people also claim that it helps “prevent” cavities, as well as relieve gum and tooth sensitivity.

It all makes sense from a mechanical perspective. We know the primary cause of tooth decay is bacteria. While I certainly can’t support every claim that is out there, I do believe that this simple oral health technique will likely improve dental health, and, as I’ll discuss later, it may even benefit overall health and wellness.

The oils used

Most microorganisms inhabiting the mouth consist of a single cell. Cells are covered with a lipid (fatty) membrane, which is the cell’s skin. When these cells come into contact with oil, “a fat,” they naturally adhere to each other.

People use different types of oil such as sesame and sunflower oil, but these oils both have omega 6 fatty acid that are pro-inflammatory, and most of us have too much of these in our diet as it is. Coconut oil is preferred because 50% of the fat in coconut oil is comprised of the bacteria whooping ingredient lauric acid. Lauric acid is very well known for its antimicrobial actions; it inhibits Strep mutans that are the primary bacteria that cause tooth decay. With that in mind, it should be no surprise that recent studies have shown the benefit of coconut oil in the prevention of tooth decay.

There is no question that oil pulling lessens the bacterial load in the mouth. As we all know, the mouth is the gateway to the body. When you consider the fact that a clean mouth may have between 1,000 and 100,000 bacteria on each tooth, and those that do not have a clean mouth may have between 100 million and a billion bacteria on each tooth, surely oil pulling can’t hurt? I know the immune system would appreciate a little coconut oil as part of a regular routine. We all want to do what we can to function at the optimal level of health. So, why not oil pull as part of your daily routine.